A big thank you to Kate Wand for this fantastic interview!
We discussed liberty, philosophy, and politics in the context of my latest essay, The Emperor Has No Clothes, and delve into why the silent good people must break their silence in order to safeguard our liberal democracy against tyrants who prey upon our rights and freedoms.
You can find more of Kate's work on her YouTube channel, read her essays on Substack, and support her work on her website (www.very-opinionated.com).
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Thanks for the thought-provoking conversation, Kate and Julius. I think that in addition to fear, the convenience of working from home is another major source of complacency. Instead of accepting flawed data analysis and flawed benefit-cost analysis, we need to have a discussion about the future of work in the age of Zoom and other similar technologies. Currently, this discussion, which is not about health but about how we live, work, learn and balance parenting with other activities, is being masked by the culture of fear that has been cultivated by the COVID regime. I love the old wild horse analogy, but it also matters where the wild horses live, speak and work: which spaces of public life and employment they inhabit. I doubt that there are enough wild horses in the healthcare system, academia and government. This means that a regime that is more sophisticated than the violent totalitarian regimes of the past might simply "accommodate" the old wild horses by ignoring them and allowing them to survive and connect with others like them online--trusting that the majority of people will remain complacent despite the marginal "wild horse phenomenon."