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September 9, 2021

Under the Shadow of Damocles' Sword: Forcing Employers to Put Their Fingerprints on Tyranny (an update on Constable Adrienne Gilvesy's fight against mandatory vaccination)

This post is an update on Constable Adrienne Gilvesy's fight against the Toronto Police Services' mandatory vaccination requirement. As a follow-up to the letter she sent on August 28th, which I recently published on my website (An Example of Courageous Pushback For Those Facing Vaccine Mandates in the Workplace), she has now filed an official misconduct complaint with the Toronto Police Service Professional Standards Unit against her Chief of Police, Chief James Ramer, for various provincial and criminal code offences.

If found guilty, Chief Ramer could face time in prison. And, theoretically, so could any other superior with whom she lodges her complaints if they knowingly allow a criminal injustice to continue. "Just doing my job" is not a legal defense. "Just turning a blind eye" also doesn't stand up in court when it's their job to investigate a problem. Once the complaint is filed, those with the responsibility to investigate that complaint are drawn into this fight. She is forcing everyone off the sidelines by making them decide which side of the legal line they want to stand on. This is as real as it gets.

I have reproduced her complaint (with permission) for you below. But first I'd like to take a moment to explain the enormous implications of what she is doing. If enough people follow in her footsteps, NOW, to build momentum behind what she is doing, she is creating a spark that has the potential to trigger a massive institutional crisis that pits the lower levels of our institutions against the upper crust. 

September 2, 2021

The Snake-Oil Salesmen and the COVID-Zero Con: A Classic Bait-And-Switch for a Lifetime of Booster Shots (Immunity as a Service)

(French translation by Yves-Marie Stranger available here ðŸ‡«ðŸ‡·)

If a plumber with a lifetime of experience were to tell you that water runs uphill, you would know he is lying and that the lie is not accidental. It is a lie with a purpose. If you can also demonstrate that the plumber knows in advance that the product he is promoting with that lie is snake oil, you have evidence for a deliberate con. And once you understand what's really inside that bottle of snake oil, you will begin to understand the purpose of the con.

One of the most common reasons given for mass COVID vaccinations is the idea that if we reach herd immunity through vaccination, we can starve the virus out of existence and get our lives back. It's the COVID-Zero strategy or some variant of it.

By now it is abundantly clear from the epidemiological data that the vaccinated are able to both catch and spread the disease. Clearly vaccination isn't going to make this virus disappear. Only a mind that has lost its grasp on reality can fail to see how ridiculous all this has become. 

But a tour through pre-COVID science demonstrates that, from day one, long before you and I had even heard of this virus, it was 100% inevitable and 100% predictable that these vaccines would never be capable of eradicating this coronavirus and would never lead to any kind of lasting herd immunity. Even worse, lockdowns and mass vaccination have created a dangerous set of circumstances that interferes with our immune system's ability to protect us against other respiratory viruses. They also risk driving the evolution of this virus towards mutations that are more dangerous to both the vaccinated and the unvaccinated alike. Lockdowns, mass vaccinations, and mass booster shots were never capable of delivering on any of the promises that were made to the public. 

And yet, vaccination has been successfully used to control measles and even to eradicate smallpox. So, why not COVID? Immunity is immunity, and a virus is a virus is a virus, right? Wrong! Reality is far more complicated... and more interesting.

This Deep Dive exposes why, from day one, the promise of COVID-Zero can only ever have been a deliberately dishonest shell game designed to prey on a lack of public understanding of how our immune systems work and on how most respiratory viruses differ from other viruses that we routinely vaccinate against. We have been sold a fantasy designed to rope us into a pharmaceutical dependency as a deceitful trade-off for access to our lives. Variant by variant. For as long as the public is willing to go along for the ride. 

Exposing this story does not require incriminating emails or whistleblower testimony. The story tells itself by diving into the long-established science that every single virologist, immunologist, evolutionary biologist, vaccine developer, and public health official had access to long before COVID began. As is so often the case, the devil is hidden in the details. As this story unfolds it will become clear that the one-two punch of lockdowns and the promise of vaccines as an exit strategy began as a cynical marketing ploy to coerce us into a never-ending regimen of annual booster shots intentionally designed to replace the natural "antivirus security updates" against respiratory viruses that come from hugs and handshakes and from children laughing together at school. We are being played for fools. 

This is not to say that there aren't plenty of other opportunists taking advantage of this crisis to pursue other agendas and to tip society into a full-blown police state. One thing quickly morphs into another. But this essay demonstrates that never-ending boosters were the initial motive for this global social-engineering shell game ― the subscription-based business model, adapted for the pharmaceutical industry. "Immunity as a service". 

So, let's dive into the fascinating world of immune systems, viruses, and vaccines, layer by layer, to dispel the myths and false expectations that have been created by deceitful public health officials, pharmaceutical lobbyists, and media manipulators. What emerges as the lies are peeled apart is both surprising and more than a little alarming.

“Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth.” - Sherlock Homes” ― Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

August 29, 2021

An Example of Courageous Pushback for Those Facing Vaccine Mandates in the Workplace

This letter/legal notification was sent by Police Constable Adrienne Gilvesy (a member of the Toronto Police Service) to her Chief of Police in response to mandatory vaccination and mandatory COVID testing requirements. 

I am posting it here with her permission and for your benefit. Never flinch. Be informed about the law. And call an employment lawyer. 

Adrienne, thank you for allowing me to make your letter public! I hope your courage inspires many others to take a stand for their rights. Creating an unstoppable flood begins with a single drop.

August 21, 2021

The Digital Speakeasy: Episode 1 - The Inmates Are Running the Asylum

For many of us, the past 18 months have been among the hardest of our lives. The isolation, the shunning, and the sense of betrayal as our loved ones lose themselves to this mass hysteria and as our right to think and speak freely is smothered by righteous busybodies. There is a grey filthy fog that has descended over everything.

But the human spirit does not tolerate being chained for long – it will always find new ways to carve out pockets of freedom. Sadness must give way to smiles. Isolation must give way to new beginnings. Silence must give way to the chatter of fresh voices and to the uncensored laughter that renews the soul. 

So, it’s time to revive the speakeasy, updated for the digital age.

August 20, 2021

Gambling With Our Liberty: Two New Interviews with Julius Ruechel

I recently did two interviews that I wanted to share with you, each with a very different focus:

Calling the Silent Good People (24 min): On August 16th, I was interviewed by Marta Gameiro of We discussed practical hands-on solutions to wake people out of their mass hysteria, but equally important, how to motivate the silent good people who see what’s going on to break their silence (link to the interview on

Struggle for Human Liberty Despite the Fear (58 min): On August 18th, I was invited onto the Dr. Peter Breggin Hour. Dr. Breggin and I had a free-wheeling conversation about the philosophical roots and historical forces that gave rise to our Western democracies and the cultural war we must wage in order to stop this authoritarian re-imagining of society (link to the interview on

July 31, 2021

The Psychology of Fear: Interview with Julius Ruechel, by Russ Cooper of the Canadian Citizens for Charter Rights & Freedoms

Major Russ Cooper (Retired) of Canadian Citizens for Charter Rights and Freedoms (C3RF) sat down with me to discuss the psychology of fear and the history of constitutional rights in Canada. We covered a broad range of topics including: 

  • how to negotiate with a government that refuses to debate,
  • why the government is impervious to data,
  • sharing the cost of persecution,
  • wild horses and the slice-by-slice strategy that tyrants use to prey on individual rights and freedoms,
  • 1980 - the year that inalienable rights and freedoms in Canada became conditional upon government approval,
  • societies built around individual rights vs the greater good,
  • why the US Founding Fathers didn't believe in political parties, and then all joined one anyway.
The full interview is available to watch on their website (scroll down through their blog post to find the embedded video):

July 25, 2021

Roadmap to Freedom: An Interview with Julius Ruechel, by Kate Wand

A big thank you to Kate Wand for this fantastic interview!

We discussed liberty, philosophy, and politics in the context of my latest essay, The Emperor Has No Clothes, and delve into why the silent good people must break their silence in order to safeguard our liberal democracy against tyrants who prey upon our rights and freedoms. 

July 17, 2021

The Emperor Has No Clothes: Finding the Courage to Break the Spell

(German translation by Bastian Barucker available here🇩🇪)

To all the silent good people watching our society tear itself in two, this essay is for you.

Those in charge have long since signalled that they have no intention of returning to a liberal democracy founded on the recognition of inalienable individual rights and freedoms. If data were the ingredient required to confront them, they would have folded long ago. They are impervious to data. This isn't about a virus. This is a psychological game and it's all about power and control.

In this Brave New World, the regime will grant temporary conditional privileges tied to virus seasonality, good behaviour, or whatever other conditions they choose to set to achieve the social engineering agenda of the day. Once they opened Pandora's Box to a society based on conditional rights, there is no limit to where their imaginations will take them.

How do we stop this neo-feudal re-imagining of society? How do we play chicken with a regime that appears to hold all the cards? At this point it is clear that regaining our freedom depends entirely on the government losing the support of the crowd. To use the words of Hans Christian Andersen's timeless folktale from 1837, we need to shake our frightened fellow citizens out of their stupor by getting them to see that "the emperor has no clothes" but, more importantly, we need everyone who sees it to be willing to say it out loud. 

So, in this essay, I am going to dissect the psychology of dissent.

June 24, 2021

Julius Ruechel Interviewed by Major Russ Cooper (retired) of Canadian Citizens for Charter Rights and Freedoms

I was recently interviewed by Major Russ Cooper (retired) with Canadian Citizens For Charter Rights and Freedoms. We covered a broad range of topics including, deaths inside vs outside government-controlled settings, vaccine odds, why science has become subservient to politics, why models are appropriate as a tool for studying the past but not for forecasting the future, and the silver lining of COVID: a reawakening of public consciousness about how science is meant to work.

The full interview is available to watch on their website (scroll down through their blog post to find the embedded video):

June 21, 2021

The Lies Exposed by the Numbers - Key Takeaways in 34 Charts and Images

This is an abbreviated overview of some of the key takeaways from my recent investigative report, The Lies Exposed by the Numbers: Fear, Misdirection, and Institutional Deaths (An investigative report)Links to all original data sources are found in the original report. Please share it widely!

The fully referenced investigative report provided a guided tour of the pandemic using the government's own official numbers, presented with the context that the government has denied the public during the chaos of the past 15 months. What emerged was a shocking story of scientific misconduct and breach of trust, which revealed the horrifying - and deadly - consequences of stripping data of context and allowing the government to evade transparency. 

This abbreviated version guides you through some of the key takeaways using a series of 34 charts and images. Let it spark your curiosity; the real meat of the scandals will be waiting for you in the full-length report. Or, if you prefer, you can watch a video version on YouTube, Odysee, or Bitchute.

June 19, 2021

Julius Ruechel Interviewed on the Trish Wood Podcast: The COVID Lies Exposed by the Numbers

Episode 57 of the Trish Wood Podcast: Investigative Writer Julius Ruechel

What if just about everything you believe about COVID-19 is wrong? 

Investigative Writer Julius Ruechel makes a strong case that most deadly outbreaks were institutional and the fault of governments, and that lockdowns were for nothing and worked as a misdirection.

You can listen to the full interview here, or click on the image to be taken directly to her podcast:

June 15, 2021

Washington's Inoculation Gamble: Calculating the Vegas Odds of Virus vs Vax Risks, and the Goal of Herd Immunity

"Are you getting the vaccine?" I have had to disappoint a lot of friends and family when I tell them that I'm going to sit this one out; that I don't like the odds so I'm choosing to be part of the control group in this grand experiment. Furrowed brows, a sharp look of disapproval, and inevitably I hear some version of "It's not about you, it's about saving lives by building a ring of immunity around the vulnerable to reduce the chance that they get infected."

In my recent investigative report - The Lies Exposed by the Numbers - I documented the worst of the lies, half-truths, and misdirection used by our public health officials to manipulate public perceptions throughout the pandemic. The public messaging surrounding the COVID vaccination campaign has been just as crooked. So, I thought I would do what the government has refused to do: calculate your Vegas odds of death from the virus so you can weigh those odds against the risks of getting the jab. And I will show you how the concept of herd immunity is being willfully distorted to shame you into getting the jab, despite the fact that the vulnerable in this pandemic are all capable of getting their own.

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