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June 24, 2021

Julius Ruechel Interviewed by Major Russ Cooper (retired) of Canadian Citizens for Charter Rights and Freedoms

I was recently interviewed by Major Russ Cooper (retired) with Canadian Citizens For Charter Rights and Freedoms. We covered a broad range of topics including, deaths inside vs outside government-controlled settings, vaccine odds, why science has become subservient to politics, why models are appropriate as a tool for studying the past but not for forecasting the future, and the silver lining of COVID: a reawakening of public consciousness about how science is meant to work.

The full interview is available to watch on their website (scroll down through their blog post to find the embedded video):

June 21, 2021

The Lies Exposed by the Numbers - Key Takeaways in 34 Charts and Images

This is an abbreviated overview of some of the key takeaways from my recent investigative report, The Lies Exposed by the Numbers: Fear, Misdirection, and Institutional Deaths (An investigative report)Links to all original data sources are found in the original report. Please share it widely!

The fully referenced investigative report provided a guided tour of the pandemic using the government's own official numbers, presented with the context that the government has denied the public during the chaos of the past 15 months. What emerged was a shocking story of scientific misconduct and breach of trust, which revealed the horrifying - and deadly - consequences of stripping data of context and allowing the government to evade transparency. 

This abbreviated version guides you through some of the key takeaways using a series of 34 charts and images. Let it spark your curiosity; the real meat of the scandals will be waiting for you in the full-length report. Or, if you prefer, you can watch a video version on YouTube, Odysee, or Bitchute.

June 19, 2021

Julius Ruechel Interviewed on the Trish Wood Podcast: The COVID Lies Exposed by the Numbers

Episode 57 of the Trish Wood Podcast: Investigative Writer Julius Ruechel

What if just about everything you believe about COVID-19 is wrong? 

Investigative Writer Julius Ruechel makes a strong case that most deadly outbreaks were institutional and the fault of governments, and that lockdowns were for nothing and worked as a misdirection.

You can listen to the full interview here, or click on the image to be taken directly to her podcast:

June 15, 2021

Washington's Inoculation Gamble: Calculating the Vegas Odds of Virus vs Vax Risks, and the Goal of Herd Immunity

"Are you getting the vaccine?" I have had to disappoint a lot of friends and family when I tell them that I'm going to sit this one out; that I don't like the odds so I'm choosing to be part of the control group in this grand experiment. Furrowed brows, a sharp look of disapproval, and inevitably I hear some version of "It's not about you, it's about saving lives by building a ring of immunity around the vulnerable to reduce the chance that they get infected."

In my recent investigative report - The Lies Exposed by the Numbers - I documented the worst of the lies, half-truths, and misdirection used by our public health officials to manipulate public perceptions throughout the pandemic. The public messaging surrounding the COVID vaccination campaign has been just as crooked. So, I thought I would do what the government has refused to do: calculate your Vegas odds of death from the virus so you can weigh those odds against the risks of getting the jab. And I will show you how the concept of herd immunity is being willfully distorted to shame you into getting the jab, despite the fact that the vulnerable in this pandemic are all capable of getting their own.

June 13, 2021

Julius Ruechel Interviewed by Vaccine Choice Canada: Exposing the Pandemic Lies & the Roots of CV-19 Hysteria

I was recently interviewed by Vaccine Choice Canada to discuss the deception during the Covid-19 pandemic and the broader changes happening in society that created fertile ground for the current hysteria to take root. We covered a broad range of topics including: 

  • the gradual philosophical shift in the Western world from a society built around respect for individual rights to a society focused on optimizing the "greater good" for the majority at any cost,
  • why we have lost the culture of restraint that used to put limits on our authoritarian natural impulses,
  • why transparency, evidence, and debate no longer serve as checks and balances in both science and democracy,
  • and the cultural battle that needs to be won to get society to re-embrace the values, principles, and responsibilities that underpin a free society.
You can watch the full interview on Bitchute and on Rumble, or in the embedded window below:

May 28, 2021

The Lies Exposed by the Numbers: Fear, Misdirection, & Institutional Deaths (An Investigative Report)

On April 30th, 2021, Canada published a weekly COVID-19 epidemiology report that included a simple breakdown of cases and deaths linked to outbreaks, organized according to the location of the source of infection. Beneath the unassuming superficial appearance of this data set lies the incriminating key to exposing (and prosecuting) a jaw dropping series of scandals.

Once the data is put into context, clear proof emerges that gross negligence on the part of government policymakers directly led to the preventable deaths of thousands, most especially among the most vulnerable that the government claims to be trying to protect. The data also makes it crystal clear why "two weeks to flatten the curve" turned into a never-ending 15-month nightmare and why lockdowns as a strategy were a misbegotten fantasy that was doomed from the start. 

The remarkable story told by the data exposes in almost comical relief just how shamefully the government whipped the public into fear by cultivating a sense of vulnerability that is entirely out of touch with reality. But the data set goes even further than that. Written in black and white in the government's own official numbers, published by the Public Health Agency of Canada, lies the evidence that the blame for much of the dying lies squarely in policymakers' hands for decisions taken on its turf, behind institutional walls, and not with the individual actions and choices made by citizens out in the broader community.

No matter how familiar you think you are with the chaos that has unfolded over the past 15 months, I guarantee you there are surprises in this investigative report for everyone. And I believe it contains the conclusive evidence to hold our leaders legally accountable for the lethal consequences of abandoning long-established pandemic protocols, which were meticulously-documented in the WHO's 2019 pandemic planning guide and which were specifically designed to prevent the epidemic of fear and DIY ad-hoc rule-making that have been on display throughout this crisis. 

So, over the coming paragraphs I am going to take you on a guided tour through the pandemic, simply by providing context to the numbers. The tour starts slowly with revelations that you would expect if you have been paying attention over the past year and a half. But as the layers of evidence begin to stack up, one on top of the other, and the implications of each layer become clear, the fog of the last 15 months of chaos will begin to lift. What emerges is a shocking story of scientific misconduct and breach of trust, which reveals the horrifying - and deadly - consequences of stripping data of context and allowing government to evade transparency. 

I have laid out this horrifying story to help us all gain perspective, to serve as a tool to rescue loved ones from the government's shameless fearmongering, and to provide lawyers with a fully referenced framework, with links to original data sources throughout the text and/or in chart captions, to help them build cases to hold these people accountable for what they have done. 

May 3, 2021

"Why Can’t They Just Attend Church Over Zoom?" - Sacrificing Essential Liberty to Purchase a Little Temporary Safety

Throughout the pandemic, churches have emerged as a persistent flash point between public health mandates and constitutionally guaranteed rights and freedoms. As time goes on, the government has turned to increasingly authoritarian measures to browbeat churches into compliance.

Yet far from sparking a public outcry, there is a disturbing consensus of opinion, repeated endlessly by politicians, the media, and the frightened public, that these pastors and their church attendees are selfish and dangerous, and have brought this authoritarian hammer on to themselves. “Why can’t they just attend Church over Zoom?”

April 23, 2021

The Comprehensive Guide to Win Back (or Lose) Our Rights and Freedoms: Lessons From Martin Luther King Jr, and How to Adapt His Tactics to the Nightmare We Face Today

"We will have to repent in this generation not merely for the vitriolic words and actions of the bad people but for the appalling silence of the good people." ~ excerpt from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s Letter From Birmingham Jail

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr and his peers in the civil rights movement understood something that the majority of citizens who are horrified by the current attack on our rights and freedoms appear to have forgotten. They understood the importance of standing together, not just when speaking out, but especially when the reprisals were raining down hard and fast. Their civil rights battle succeeded not because they convinced their opponents or the government of the justness of their cause, but because their courage sent a powerful message to hesitant supporters watching silently from the sidelines. If you stand with us, we'll stand by you, through thick and thin, until we see this through. 

Dr. King's struggle and the tactics that he and his peers used have important implications for what we are facing today. But it would also be a mistake to think that the same tactics, precisely replicated in 2021, would achieve the same effect. Quite the contrary. We face a different beast, driven by different motives, and at a different stage in its tyrannical lifecycle. Dr. King's lessons need to be adapted to current circumstances. This guide explains how. The devil is, as always, in the nuanced details.

This guide explores the strengths and weaknesses of the beast we are facing, lays bare its vulnerabilities, and explains which strategies will work to stop it, which will not, and which will backfire to unintentionally strengthen the grip of the regime. Time is not on our side, but winning back our rights and freedoms is still within our reach. I hope with all my heart that the clarity offered by this guide turns our fear and shellshocked inaction into focused courage and fruitful action. 

“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.” ~ Sun Tzu, The Art of War #CommissionsEarned

April 19, 2021

When Scientific Minds Abandon Scientific Principles: The Mystery Behind Why My Grandfather Refused to Talk About Dinosaurs

When I was a kid, my grandfather used to fascinate me with stories about all the most wonderous discoveries that were pushing the boundaries of knowledge. He talked about space and time and evolution and the Big Bang and even Einstein’s theory of general relativity. 

Through his stories he introduced me to the scientific way of approaching questions and offered me a peek into another world, which was totally different from the practical day-to-day routine on my parent’s farm. Those conversations undoubtedly led to my decision to study geology, which is all about unravelling the history of life, the universe, and how we (along with our little blue planet) got here. 

And yet, despite his willingness to approach nearly any other mystery with all the curiosity and discipline demanded by science, there was one topic that he categorically refused to discuss. For my grandfather, who grew up during the first decades of the 1900s, dinosaurs were a bridge too far. Talking to him about dinosaurs was like trying to debate a brick wall.

April 12, 2021

Who's in Charge? The Rule Makers, Power Brokers, and Influencers of Lockdown Wonderland

Is this the third lockdown to end all lockdowns, or the fourth? How many layers of masks do I need to wear to buy groceries today? And why is it safe to buy a cup of coffee at Costco, but not at the coffee shop?

We no longer live in a liberal democracy grounded in evidence-based policymaking, logic, and human rights. We've fallen down some kind of rabbit hole into a hellish nonsensical Wonderland where the Mad Hatter, the March Hare, and the Queen of Hearts are making the rules.

We can argue at length about why this nightmare began and who nudged the ball to get the panic rolling. But the more important question at this stage of the game is: Who's in charge now, today? Who has the authority to make this nightmare stop?

To answer those questions, I'm going to take you on a little tour down the rabbit hole to show you the tangled web of rule makers, power brokers, and influencers that are propping up this never-ending Hellscape. As the layers peel away, the more bizarre the story gets. And the answers that emerge are going to make your head spin. Nothing in this Wonderland is quite as it seems.

March 21, 2021

Preparing the Ground for Mass Hysteria: What Made Society So Vulnerable to Losing Its Mind During COVID?

Mass hysteria does not arise out of a vacuum. Fear is merely a spark, but whether that spark burns out or turns into a raging wildfire depends entirely on whether the ideas, sentiments, and social conditions of that time provide fuel for the spark to burn.

This virus should merely have been another footnote in history alongside the 1957 Asian Flu, the 1968 Hong Kong Flu, or the 2009 Swine Flu, and barely worth a mention compared to vicious pandemics like the 1918 Spanish Flu. Instead, we have uncontrolled hysteria and draconian unscientific public health measures that annihilate the rights and freedoms of individuals on a level not seen since the bubonic plague swept through medieval Europe.

Nor can the current hysteria be fully explained by the schemes of political opportunists, click-hungry medias, UN agendas, and Davos elites. They certainly play a huge role in driving the hysteria. But would-be conspirators and opportunists trying to exploit the crowd are a dime a dozen in any age. There is no point in history when there isn’t someone screaming that "the end is nigh", trying to sell us snake oil, or trying to frighten people into joining them on some ideological Crusade. Whether they gain traction or are left shouting into the wind depends entirely on whether the people themselves either provide fertile soil or barren ground for their bad ideas.

All of which raises the question, what made society so uniquely vulnerable to losing its mind during the current COVID hysteria? 

March 13, 2021

1776 vs 1789: The Two Bloody Revolutions That Defined How We Think About Wealth in the Modern World

The American and French Revolutions were based on two fundamentally opposite ways of thinking about wealth. These two viewpoints produce two completely different societies and the conflict about which is right forms a long-running debate that goes back centuries. At its heart, it’s a debate about how wealth is created and how it should be divided between the citizens of a country.

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