Is this the third lockdown to end all lockdowns, or the fourth? How many layers of masks do I need to wear to buy groceries today? And why is it safe to buy a cup of coffee at Costco, but not at the coffee shop?
We no longer live in a liberal democracy grounded in evidence-based policymaking, logic, and human rights. We've fallen down some kind of rabbit hole into a hellish nonsensical Wonderland where the Mad Hatter, the March Hare, and the Queen of Hearts are making the rules.
We can argue at length about why this nightmare began and who nudged the ball to get the panic rolling. But the more important question at this stage of the game is: Who's in charge now, today? Who has the authority to make this nightmare stop?
To answer those questions, I'm going to take you on a little tour down the rabbit hole to show you the tangled web of rule makers, power brokers, and influencers that are propping up this never-ending Hellscape. As the layers peel away, the more bizarre the story gets. And the answers that emerge are going to make your head spin. Nothing in this Wonderland is quite as it seems.
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The March Hare and the Mad Hatter put the Dormouse's head in a teapot. |
“In that direction,” the Cat said, waving its right paw round, “lives a Hatter: and in that direction,” waving the other paw, “lives a March Hare. Visit either you like: they’re both mad.”
“But I don’t want to go among mad people,” Alice remarked.
“Oh, you can’t help that,” said the Cat: “we’re all mad here. I’m mad. You’re mad.”
“How do you know I’m mad?” said Alice.
“You must be,” said the Cat, “or you wouldn’t have come here.”
— excerpt from Alice's Adventures in Wonderland #Commissions Earned, by Lewis Carroll
To tell this tale, I shall jump straight into the middle, since the beginning is unclear and there doesn't appear to be an end. Intergovernmental agencies like the WHO and the World Economic Forum have their own agendas and they can spew unscientific nonsense and make endless utopian policy recommendations, but they can impose nothing. All they can do is offer advice that no-one is forced to follow.
Let's take Canada as the tortured example of this sordid tale, though any country would serve equally well because the story rhymes no matter which country is put under the looking glass.
Politics is all about maintaining the illusion of competence. The important thing is to be seen doing something, no matter how ineffective, so that when the sun rises in the East tomorrow, the politicians can take credit for it. So, not long after the virus first made its appearance, the government passed the Emergency Response Act, which gave the federal government the authority to fire up the printing presses, shut our national borders, and put our great-great-grandchildren into debt. And Prime Minister Trudeau has used these tools to put on a masterful performance to create the illusion of pulling out all the stops to save the world. Even a fool does what he can to avoid the appearance of impotence.
But healthcare is uniquely a provincial responsibility. Aside from border restrictions (and spending boatloads of money), there isn't a single public health measure that the federal government can legally impose. When it actually comes to the public health measures, the Emergency Response Act merely lifted certain restraints to give the provinces the right to start creating their own emergency rules - a rule to start making rules.
The only authority Trudeau and the federal government have over provincial public health measures is the right, indeed the responsibility, to intervene if provincial health measures violate our Charter of Rights and Freedoms, a responsibility he has categorically neglected so far for reasons that will soon become clear. But beyond that, he has no authority whatsoever to impose health policies onto provinces.
Are you with me so far? Not to worry, the rabbit hole gets much, much deeper - the fun is just beginning.
Trudeau does, however, have the responsibility to offer medical advice to help provinces coordinate their efforts. For that he relies on his Chief Public Health officer. Dr. Tam advises Trudeau, but he doesn't have to follow her advice, although going against her recommendations would be politically risky. But since he is her paymaster and can fire her at will, her advice is likely tailored to what she thinks he wants to hear.
That creates a bizarre Catch-22 where it becomes impossible to identify where bad ideas originate. They may actually be winding each other up, each afraid of contradicting the other out of fear for their own jobs. Her supposedly apolitical advice requires political approval so she can keep her job. His recommendations to the provinces better not contradict the medical "experts" so that frightened voters don't lose their confidence in his leadership ahead of the next election.
But since health is not a federal jurisdiction, the provinces don’t actually need to follow the recommendations of either of these Muppets. They can pick and choose what they want to hear. The buck stops with the premiers for what happens in each province. So, we finally found the culprits who are holding us hostage, right? Not so fast.
Each premier likewise has a chief public health official to advise them. But premiers are not bound by their recommendations either. Policy is, after all, supposed to be a political decision, with the option but not the obligation to balance advice from multiple departments (i.e. health, economy, human rights, etc.), which are often in conflict with one another.
But Ontario Premier Doug Ford recently openly admitted on camera that "I'm going to be frank. There's no politician in this country that's going to disagree with their chief medical officer. They just aren't going to do it. They might as well throw a rope around their neck and jump off a bridge - they're done." Meanwhile, remember the accidental hot mic confession by Dr. Yaffe, Ontario's Associate Chief Medical Officer, speaking to Dr. Williams, Ontario's Chief Medical Officer? "I don’t know why I bring all these papers. I never look at them. I just say whatever they write down for me."
Which means no-one's really in charge because the premiers are avoiding accountability by hiding behind their health officials while the health officials avoid accountability by advising whatever they think their political bosses want to hear. What a lovely self-reinforcing cycle of fascist terror imposed through sheer cowardice.
Everyone, from top to bottom, appears to be trying to weasel their way out of blameworthiness and so a system of suffocating tyranny grows, not because of the strong hand of a dictatorial mastermind, but because of a bunch of gutless invertebrates who are trying to hide behind each other's coattails.
Individual cities, with their mayors and their own chief medical officers, are repeating this madness by implementing their own rules independently from the provinces. You would think that the provinces wouldn't tolerate this kind of jumbled patchwork of DIY rulemaking on their turf, but you'd be wrong. Although some premiers have exercised their right to overrule some cities that tried to be more lax than the provincial rules called for, so far no premier has dared roll back municipal rules that are more draconian than the provincial rules out of fear of, yet again, being accused of putting lives at risk. He who has the most alarmist rules gets to be in charge... and hopes to take credit for saving the universe when the virus eventually fades away on its own.
There's a strong correlation between media praise and future career prospects whereas, in the current climate of cancel culture, failure to match policy to media hysteria could easily prove fatal to any promising career. Now that it's been normalized to ignore inalienable rights and freedoms in exchange for the promise of safety (rights that previously would have put limits on the kinds of policies that these invertebrates could dream up), there's really no downside to alarmism for any of these people, but a great deal of risk if they grow a spine.
Ah, yes, the media. The poisoned chalice that keeps on giving. They are smack dab in the middle of all this, driving the hysteria to create click-bait and keep eyeballs glued to screens, which motivates them to constantly push health officials and politicians to new heights of hysteria and pounce on any that dare to try to dial down the rhetoric. They have a business to run. It's clear that they've convinced themselves that investigative journalism doesn't pay the bills or secure lucrative government subsidies. But fear sells. Handsomely. If it bleeds, it leads. Turn up the fear dial to harvest the low-hanging fruit, and keep those advertising profits coming in. The politicians have no choice now but to dance to their tune.
Could any of these various players pull the brakes on this madness today? Unlikely. Unless they all acted in unison to re-embrace integrity, evidence, honest debate, and human rights, speaking out on their own would likely cost any lone dissenter their job and see them swiftly replaced by someone else willing to play the game.
Every politician, official, and journalist understands the game perfectly well. Cancel culture is very, very real. To flinch, to admit error, or to show restraint when the mob craves action are sure-fire ways to find yourself at the losing end of a cancel-culture coup. All anyone needs to do to put their career in jeopardy is say something reasonable. The cry of alarm will instantly sound, and the Furies will begin to circle like sharks that smell blood in the water. "Apologize! Resign! Repent! How can you be so reckless, look at all those other countries, they can't all be wrong!" A cult demands purity of thought. Nothing helps cure independent thinking quite like the threat of a purge. And there are plenty of disciples eager to create some space in the hierarchy for a promotion. In this game, conformity is the key to survival, so, like Tweedledum and Tweedledee, none dares contradict one another.
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The twins Tweedledum and Tweedledee never contradict each other, no matter what kind of nonsense the other says. |
That conformity even extends across borders. No-one dares be the black sheep of the global community, not after the drubbing dished out by the media against Sweden and South Dakota (now joined by Florida and more recently by Texas) for the audacity of following long-established pandemic planning guidelines. Unless politicians feel that their voters are overwhelmingly behind them, they won't stick their necks out.
All it takes is a single voice to trigger the next wave of alarm, and, like a flock of birds, they all take flight out of fear of contradicting the alarmist, out of fear of being left behind. That's why they refuse to discuss scientific evidence and epidemiological data - it risks splitting them off from the flock. So, it's no longer just the compliant public that appears to be suffering from Stockholm Syndrome. It's also become a survival mechanism for many of politicians, health officials, and journalists in order to come to terms with the situation that they find themselves in. It's better to surrender your mind to a popular delusion than to stand alone in defense of an unpopular truth. Graveyards are full of people who were in the right.
Alice laughed. “There’s no use trying,” she said: “one can’t believe impossible things.”
“I daresay you haven’t had much practice,” said the Queen. “When I was your age, I always did it for half-an-hour a day. Why, sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.”
— excerpt from Through The Looking Glass #Commissions Earned, by Lewis Carroll
Anyone breaking ranks to discuss actual verifiable evidence is willingly demoting themselves to the ranks of the "conspiracy theorists", the catch-all phrase that politicians and media have used to smear anyone and everyone who disagrees with their narrative. It's a desperate ploy used by desperate people to protect the coherence of their self-deception.
By now they've all strayed so far from evidence-based policymaking that if rationality returns and the public (and the courts) examine the data with their own eyes, it will undeniably cost them all their jobs and guarantee them a date with a human rights tribunal. Better to pretend the evidence doesn't exist, better to pretend the science is settled, better to distract the public with unintelligible scientific jabberwocky, and better to pretend that truth hinges on credentials and the opinions of elites.
Once they went off the rails, they have no choice but to stick together. Anyone that dares to abandon ship must be thoroughly discredited for the protection of everyone else's reputation. So, they put on their best poker faces, close ranks, and defend their house of cards because it's the only shelter they've got.
“Well, now that we have seen each other,” said the Unicorn, “if you’ll believe in me, I’ll believe in you. Is that a bargain?”
— excerpt from Through The Looking Glass, by Lewis Carroll
And that brings up another influential player in this deadly little game, which is making politicians dance like puppets on a string. The frightened mob itself. Politicians, bureaucrats, media, and businesses are all slaves to public opinion. Weathervanes. Swimming against a strong tide is lethal. Going against the will of the mob is a dangerous sport. Not even the courts dare push against it if the current is strong enough.
It's no longer just shameless opportunists whipping the crowd to ever greater heights of fear. Once the crowd's imagination was stirred by the menace of an invisible virus, the crowd itself often does its own whipping. Consider how often politicians have tried to reopen schools, fully supported by epidemiological data and peer-reviewed scientific research, only to back down and issue a grovelling apology after parents and teachers howled in protest. Consider that even the WHO, which did much of the whipping during the early days of pandemic, is now routinely ignored as it has tried to back away from some of the most extreme measures and has tried to urge for a measure of restraint. Those that initially whipped the crowd into hysteria are now held hostage by that very same hysterical crowd. A weathervane will never turn into the wind. Woe to anyone that tries to make the music stop.
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The Red Queen (not to be confused with the Queen of Hearts) lectures Alice on the rules of chess concerning promotion—specifically that Alice is able to become a queen by starting out as a pawn. |
"Well, in our country," said Alice, still panting a little, "you'd generally get to somewhere else—if you run very fast for a long time, as we've been doing."
"A slow sort of country!" said the Red Queen. "Now, here, you see, it takes all the running you can do, to keep in the same place. If you want to get somewhere else, you must run at least twice as fast as that!"
— excerpt from Through The Looking Glass, by Lewis Carroll
Any opportunist who wants to inject their agenda into this deadly game simply needs to keep the music playing with a few well-timed injections of fear, and the politicians, public servants, and media are forced to dance to their tune like puppets on a string. The authorities are now trapped in a trap of their own making.
It's quite a lovely setup, really, for anyone who would like to push an agenda. The opportunists get to choose the tune and the politicians take the fall if it goes wrong. Who wouldn't jump on a deal like that? It's an all-you-can-eat smorgasbord of opportunities for anyone willing to check their conscience at the door. Suddenly all those intergovernmental agencies like the WHO and the World Economic Forum, which I dismissed at the beginning of this tale as being mere advisors without access to the levers of power, don't look so powerless anymore, do they?
Nor are they alone. Any number of players, big and small, can tap into this mad, ready-made, nonsensical, fear-based, policy-making machine to nudge the system in their favor. From Big Pharma, the Chinese Communist Party, and Agenda 2030, to the pettiest of politicians and the most unscrupulous of public servants, activists, socialists, businessmen, scientists, and policy advisors, there are opportunities waiting to be harvested for them all. It doesn't mean they are all taking advantage, nor that they are all working together or even have the same agenda. And not every conspiracy theory will turn out to be true. But it most certainly means some are doing it. It's a game just begging to be played.
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The Walrus and the Carpenter speaking to the gullible Oysters before eating all of them. |
"I like the Walrus best," said Alice: "because you see he was a little sorry for the poor oysters."
"He ate more than the Carpenter, though," said Tweedledee. "You see he held his handkerchief in front, so that the Carpenter couldn't count how many he took: contrariwise."
"That was mean!" Alice said indignantly. "Then I like the Carpenter best—if he didn't eat so many as the Walrus."
"But he ate as many as he could get," said Tweedledum.
This was a puzzler. After a pause, Alice began, "Well! They were both very unpleasant characters—"
— excerpt from Through The Looking Glass, by Lewis Carroll
I've taken the time to draw up a handy cheat sheet to help us all keep track of all the various players who have influence in this unpleasant game. It looks something like this:
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Detailed mind map of policymakers and influencers. Untangle with care. |
When the virus eventually fades, the politicians, public servants, and media at the center of the hysteria would still get off scot-free if they can somehow take credit for bringing the crisis to an end. Lockdowns, vaccines, and vaccine passports are their "get out of jail free" card. But only as long as everyone believes the illusion.
Their "get out of jail free" card evaporates if enough people wake up to the scam. A crowd is ruthless and unforgiving. It will not be kind if it realizes it has been fooled, if it recognizes that the horrors imposed on unsuspecting citizens were dead wrong.
And that, dear reader, brings up the last of the players in this nightmarish Wonderland. Because don't think that we, the critics, the dissenters, the much-maligned tin-foil-hat-wearing advocates for debate, evidence and human rights, don't also play a role. We are not mere spectators on the sidelines. We too play a dangerous role in this mad game of chess.
By refusing to be fooled; by looking at, documenting, and pointing at the evidence, and through our relentless demands for accountability, we risk waking up the credulous crowd and turning it into a mob baying for vengeance. And that, in turn, forces everyone whose fingerprints are on this nightmare to lash out in self defense. We're blocking the door that gives the architects and opportunists of this nightmare a safe retreat.
Through our mere existence, or even the mere possibility of our existence, they can no longer be 100% certain that they won't face accountability for what was done on their watch. We are a reminder that the illusion is not absolute. We are the wind to their house of cards. We are a reminder of what is waiting for them if the music stops. So, the more mistakes they make and the more collateral damage that adds up, the more they have to double down on defending their illusion to protect their own necks.
And so, the unconscious realization begins to creep in. They must maintain control, forever, for their own protection. Critics must be discredited and silenced, for all time. The illusion must become permanent and universally accepted. That's why we see headlines in mainstream media like, "We Must Start Planning For A Permanent Pandemic." They have no choice now. They are now held hostage by their fear of accountability. And we are held hostage to the choices they must make. It has become a zero-sum game. Beware of the blind fury of the mob. The battle for the hearts and minds of the crowd has only just begun.
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The Queen of Hearts, a blind fury, hands out death sentences for the slightest offence and issues the sentence before there has been a guilty verdict ("sentence first—verdict afterwards"). |
In short, it's the perfect self feeding storm. We're all trapped in a lethal game of croquet with the ungovernable Queen of Hearts, and no-one is certain whose head she'll point at next to satisfy her next bout of blind fury. Everyone, but also no-one, is in charge. Everyone takes their cues from everyone else. And no-one can deviate from their current course.
So, perhaps the real question that needs to be asked at this stage of the game is not, "Who's in charge?" It might be better to ask, "Is anyone in charge at all?"
And if the answer to that question is "No", then the dominoes that have been set in motion may be the worst disaster of all. Because then the only restraint to how far the pendulum can swing towards insanity, oppression, and persecution is how far the crowd is willing to go along for the ride before they stand up, en masse, by the millions, to flood the streets and tell the government, "Enough!" It is the only path left that leads back to freedom. It really is that simple. I hope people cherish their freedom enough to take it back while they still can.
The Cat was right, we're all mad or we wouldn't be here. And at this point, he's probably the only one still capable of grinning.
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"We're all mad here." ~ The Cheshire Cat |
If this article has inspired you to dust off your copy of Lewis Carroll's 1865 classic, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland #Commissions Earned or its 1871 sequel, Through the Looking Glass #Commissions Earned, I highly recommend the biting social satire and labyrinth of logic games found in the original texts over the heavily modified, sanitized, and cutesy Hollywood adaptations. You can't improve on a classic.
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Bang on Julius.
ReplyDeleteGlad you enjoyed it!
DeleteAfter reading all your ramblings you did not have a plan or solution to solve the problem. If the people would do the right thing I believe the end would be much closer.
DeleteGod bless you son ,Hope you realise how Satanic the crown and crown estates are, I have heard they own 90.3% of Canada never mind the global rape of huge tracts of the planet , Truedau is one of these swamp feeders
DeleteThanks Julius for posting your argument. I enjoyed reading it. Even invertebrates like Octopus knows well how to solve a problem: if it failed first time, it then would draw back, go around the problem, think then approach with another method. Why our governments failed miserably for a full year but still pursuit with the same measures is just beyond my understanding. I agree with you here: everyone needs to grow a spine. Admitting the mistakes, or ditching the unnecessary fears or restoring common senses or respecting Mother Nature by trusting their own bodies etc., or simply opening the mind a little bit, all could lead a step to end this madness. We need to join hand by hand to make this wind stronger. Thanks again. Hugs, : ) Liz
ReplyDeleteMuch appreciated, Liz! I like the Octopus story - it really illustrates how low our political and media classes have slid !
DeleteWow, Julius right to the smallest details. Thank you so much. It is as you wrote my thoughtds on the paper. Greatly appreciated.
ReplyDeleteYou're most welcome - I appreciate the feedback!
DeleteBrilliant. An incisive and sharp analysis.
ReplyDeleteThank you!
DeleteExcellent article. Totally explains the madness. Thank you
ReplyDeleteMuch appreciated!
DeleteThe pattern of a thought reversal can be alluded to in various ways - but cannot be directly communicated to the mad.
ReplyDeleteBankers cant be separated from narrative masking and leveraging controls, but at root self-interest operates from either an enlightened self appreciation or a dissociated sense of self-isolation.
I find A Course in Miracles speaks to the nature and the undoing of the madness at a most fundamental level - and thus serving the restoration of a true foundation. Masking realities can operate as currency of exchange that are by definition adulterations or corruptions of a true or just appreciation. I appreciate your addressing the issue within the patterning or habits of human consciousness. I do not see such as cynical or fearful, but a result of direct observations of insanity that open a foundation from which to discern truth from lies. While insanity protects the error with lies that set truth in frame of threat.
Summed so with absolute clarity.
ReplyDeleteNo time to waste.
People stand up,be counted and get moving!
Much appreciated! No time to waste, indeed!!!
DeleteGreat article and bang on. Thanks
ReplyDeleteGreat article and bang on. Thanks
ReplyDeleteThanks Mike - so glad you enjoyed it!
Delete'why is a raven like a writing desk'
Excellent read. Loved this!
ReplyDeleteMuch appreciated!
DeleteExcellent! Spot on! Brilliant! And also fun to read.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your wonderful, analytical info-tainment!
My pleasure!
DeleteThanks very much. I wonder if this can ever be posted to an msm site.
ReplyDeleteGood article brother. The one really call 'Evil' is in both side Good and evil. You choose side, you'll stuck. Learn from both side, be like chameleon. we still outnumbers in term of everything. Patience and learn. Soon we will break the barrier.
ReplyDeleteVery sharp, cutting through to what is actually going on. Well done
ReplyDeleteCome on everyone lets get moving and bring this nonsense to an end. Singing You Can Stick Your New World Order at the end of the Great Pushback Video. That will wake em up :)
Much appreciated!
DeleteFantastic, but please fix “supposably” it isn’t a word.
ReplyDeleteFixed.Thank you!
DeleteVery good article and entertaining with the books. The only thing that I would add is that who is in charge is Bill Gates and the rest of top elites, politicans are just puppets following orders frm them (implement a fake pandemic, brutal unnecessary lockdowns and force people to take these experimental injections. Depopulation and biometric vaccine passports for population control is the end goal.
ReplyDeleteyou didn’t emphasize enough the pivotal role of the diabolic virtue signaling engine of social media (morphing the conscience of the herd) and how it contributes to people doubling down and psychologically investing more and more into their heroic CVD identity (while simultaneously serving as an outlet for their silent desperation and panic that has been building over the years and decades preceding all this—now they have something to make them feel alive and special and comfortable and in war with, etc.), other than that: hats off to the best summary I've read so far on this collective psychosis on our hands. best wishes from Hungary!
DeleteThe problem for those of us that agree with what you have so skillfully said is how do we get the "public" to even hear this? There isn't a newspaper or radio that would carry "such nonsense". Can you imagine what would happen to one who would? The problem is well stated but what is the answer? Is there a platform available that the ALL the public will see?
ReplyDeleteRebel Media does. In return, Dear Leader Justin smears them as essentially enemies of the People and Fake News. They are barred from cable TV. No media outlet takes their side. And journalism dies in Canada.
DeleteMr. Ruechel,
ReplyDeleteA friend forwarded me this piece. Not familiar with your oeuvre, but will make it a priority to follow your work.
As others hsve said, this is spot on - a delta hotel, direct hit.
Incontrovertibly true, irrefutable - if one is representative of a higher form of vertebrate ( wherein rests the problem, as you describe.
This analysis holds true for any manner of current ' issues', some of which you reference. Climate Change, Academia, BLM/ Antifa, the Courts.
Thank you! And I agree - the overlap between all these issues is enormous. I think COVID is a symptom of a rotting out of society's belief in the foundational principles of our democracy. Each of those issues are symptoms of the every same problem.
DeleteWe here in Canada...have what is called the Bill of Rights..but I think no one cares!!
DeleteExcellent article, this nonsense has gone on far too long. What disturbs me is the wiping out of small businesses, while big corporations are able to carry on business as usual, with no restrictions. Banks are making scads of money, while offering to defer payments - all clients have to do is pay the interest at end of term: seriously this is NOT helping anyone except the banks. I see prices of commodities rising daily, anywhere from 30% to 300%. Even used cars have tripled in price recently. I see the poor getting much poorer, the rich getting much richer, and a portion of the middle class falling to poverty; perhaps the greedier will figure out ways to join the elite rich at the expense of the rest.
ReplyDeleteThank you! I'm so glad you enjoyed it. It's terrifying the scale of the collateral damage - I fear the consequences will be with us a very long time, even if the madness could be stopped today.
DeleteWow, that was so spot on and still very short for the complexity and the size of the context. I rarely feel admiration for written articles, but this is a masterpiece, in substance and style. I deffo have learned a thing or two about writing concisely, for the rest I was already aware of most of it, except for the self-intensification through general cowardice, but that’s probably my own mental bias. I’m more the type of taking the bull by the horns, no matter how that ends.
ReplyDeleteThank you Peter! I appreciate the kind feedback!
DeleteWhat I like to say is that now I have a migraine headache after reading this because the Truth is hurting me! to think we have ALL BEEN DUPED..and people still believe this masquerade..our children have suffered!! the parks have signs about not going in there..the police come out and attack worshippers..and all this could have ended when Canadians figured out we HAVE THE BILL OF RIGHTS..we need it right NOW..CIVIL DISOBEIDENCE ..its crazy the fighting the food grabbing at the begining these politicians have GOT TO BE ARRESTED!
ReplyDeleteIt's an absolute disaster. It breaks my heart to see what is being done!
DeleteNone of this crap would be happening if people did not believe (it's like a religion) that the world is full of invisible enemies ("germs") wandering around, everywhere, including in other people's bodies, just waiting to pounce and kill them. What a shitty view of life. This is what underlies everything that is happening. A fearful-of-everything humanity is the substrate; the politicians, media, bureaucrats, etc. are really not that relevant. At this point, by some miracle, all state and provincial govts could just call the whole thing off - but I suspect that a large segment of the population would rebel. They love their masks and their distancing and their vaccines - these things make them feel important, as if they are actors in a great drama.
ReplyDeleteYou mirror my own thoughts on this subject such as when I wrote "Lying Ass Politicians" but I bow to your superior writing skills. Also, notice anything going on with this pandemic as relates to the rush to 'green' all our government policies?
ReplyDelete"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." Benjamin Franklin
ReplyDeleteWow, even from Canada Julius, you have a perfect understanding of Australian Politics
ReplyDeleteYou have described the current state of affairs very well, and I have been a fan of Lewis Carroll since a young age. It's worth mentioning that he wrote many other books besides "Alice in Wonderland", and "Through the Looking Glass".
ReplyDeleteHowever, despite your accurate depiction of the runaway train, you have failed to examine how the train started in the first place. It appears to me that the engine was fired up and the brakes were disabled by people who well understood what would follow.