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February 9, 2022

A Brave New World Without Rights: Ending Mandates Does Not Strip Government of the Ability to Do This Again

There is something important missing from the conversation surrounding the end of mandates. If the mandates are simply dropped today without calling out the underlying legal and ethical fallacy that was used to justify them, government overreach will have become normalized. We will be left without the legal protections to stop them from doing this to us again. All it will take to put us back in a cage is for the government to point at the next wave, the next virus variant, or the next non-Covid emergency. We will have normalized that our rights, our freedoms, our bodily autonomy, and even access to our lives are conditional privileges, subject to opinion polls and technocratic impulses, and that they can be withdrawn again at any time, “for our safety.”

In March of 2020, in violation of the principles embedded in our constitutions, governments around the world convinced citizens to give their leaders and public institutions the authority to overrule individual rights in order to "flatten the curve.” That impulse went unchallenged under the false assumption that human rights violations could be justified as long as the benefits to the majority outweighed the costs to the minority. By accepting this excuse for overriding unconditional rights, we transformed ourselves into an authoritarian police state where “might makes right”. That is the moment when all the checks and balances in our scientific and democratic institutions stopped functioning.

Liberal democracy was built around the principle that individual rights must be unconditional. In other words, they are meant to supersede the authority of government. Consequently, individual rights (such as bodily autonomy) were meant to serve as checks and balances on government power. They were meant to provide a hard limit to what our government can do to us without our individual consent.

If the government cannot override your rights to bend you to its will, then it will be forced to try to convince you by talking with you. That forces government to be transparent and to engage in meaningful debate with critics. Your ability to say NO, and to have your choice respected, is the difference between a functioning liberal democracy and an authoritarian regime.

The natural instinct of fearful people is to control those around them. Unconditional rights force people to negotiate voluntary participation in collective solutions. Thus, unconditional rights prevent the formation of echo chambers and provide an important counter-weight to rein in uncontrolled panic. When no-one has the option to use the brute force of State power to force others to submit to what they think is "the right thing to do", then the only path forward is to keep talking to everyone, including to "fringe minorities" with "unacceptable views". When we allow rights to become conditional, it is virtually a certainty during a crisis that panicked citizens and opportunistic politicians will give in to their worst impulses and trample those who disagree with them.

Unconditional individual rights prevent governments from taking unwilling citizens on crusades. They prevent scientific institutions from transforming themselves into unchallengeable “Ministries of Truth” that can double down on their mistakes to avoid accountability. They ensure that the checks and balances that make science and democracy work do not break down in the chaos of a crisis. In the heat of an emergency when policy decisions are often made on the fly, unconditional rights are often the only safeguards to protect minorities from panicked mobs and self-anointed kings.

If we allow our leaders to normalize the idea that rights can be switched off during emergencies or when political leaders decide that "the science is settled", then we are giving the government terrifying and unlimited power over us. It gives those who control the levers of power the authority to turn off access to your life. That turns the competition for power into a zero-sum game: the winners become masters, the losers become serfs. It means you can no longer afford to allow the other side to win an election, at any cost, nor agree to a peaceful transfer of power, because if you lose the winning team becomes the master of your destiny. And so, a zero-sum game of brutal power politics is set in motion. Unconditional individual rights are the antidote to civil war. Liberal democracy collapses without them.

Withdrawing mandates because "the Omicron variant is mild” or because "the costs of continuing the measures outweigh the benefits" does not undo what has been normalized and legitimized. If the legitimacy of mandates is not overturned, you will not be going back to your normal life. It may superficially look similar to your life before Covid, but in reality you will be living in a Brave New World where governments temporarily grant privileges to those who conform with the government's vision of how we should live. You will no longer be celebrating your differences, cultivating your individuality, or making your own free choices. Only conformity will enable you to exist. You will be living under a regime in which any new “crisis” can serve as justification to impose restrictions on those who don't "get with the program" as long as mobs and technocrats think the restrictions are "reasonable". You will no longer be the master of your own life. A golden cage is still a cage if someone else controls the lock on the door.

Politicians and public health authorities MUST acknowledge that mandates are a violation of civil liberties. The public MUST be confronted by the fact that liberal democracy ceases to exist without the unconditional (inalienable) safeguards of individual rights and freedoms. The public MUST recognize that science ceases to function when mandates can be used to cut off scientific debates. Our governments and our fellow citizens MUST understand that unconditional rights are especially important during a crisis.

If the legal and ethical fallacies that were used to justify mandates are not called out as inexcusable violations of our constitutional rights, we will have inadvertently normalized the illiberal idea that, as long as someone in a lab coat says it’s okay, this can be done to us again, at any time, whether to fight the next wave of Covid, to take away freedoms to fight “climate change”, to seize assets to solve a government debt crisis, or simply to socially engineer outcomes according to whatever our leaders define as a “fairer and more equitable world”. 

How we navigate the end of mandates determines whether we win our freedom or whether we allow our leaders to normalize a Brave New World with conditional rights that can be turned off again during the next "emergency". 


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  1. Very good post and essentially correct.

    We have to ensure that our rights cannot be taken away ever, no matter what.

    Standing with the truckers in Canada, here in England.

    1. Too late. The trap has almost shut. The experiment that is universal suffrage or 'democracy' was soon realised to be a mistake and the elites have been doing their best to neuter it for almost 100 years. The EU is the most clear example of an overt neofeudalist construct, but the the US version (military-industrial complex...and now add pharma) is just the same. We the people have just demonstrated how pathetic and easily controlled we are! Once our money system is digital only; power source is electricity only; information/books/history digitally archived only, then it's game over.

    2. Absolutely germane to what is happening, with eurphoria over the suspension of mandates is luring us into a false sense of security. We must beware of a bait and switch tactic by which we are fooled into accepting that our creator-given inaliable rights can ever be bargained away on any pretext.

  2. Once a commie, always a commie. Sure they will back off, re-access, reorganize and attack again. In a few months most people will have forgotten much of the fake pandemic and therefore will be ripe again for a whole new campaign of treachery, fear and panic. This has played out many times over the last 100 years or since the Spanish Flu of 1918.

    1. I'd say they activated those among us, like myself who will no longer listen to any edict by the guberment and will do everything not to pay taxes and to hamper big gubermnt in any way.

    2. The small amount we pay in taxes is irrelevant when the Trillionaires and Billionaires come wooing our Governments. BG for instance funds many aspect of the Canadian Government such as Health & Education. CBC is open to donations from foreign partners, etc., etc. Governments that do not ''go along with the agendas'' are threatened, overthrown and undermined. The problem is enormous. In Canada alone there are Politicians, Mayors, Health officials, etc. that belong to the WEF including Trudeau, Freeland, etc.

  3. I'm particularly pleased with the undercurrent in this essay where you (rightly) point out that the public is largely as responsible for this wave of tyranny as the government. The millions of masked Karens, so out of their mind with fear as to lock their children in bedrooms and car boots and duct tape masks to their mouths and call the police on elderly people gathering in groups larger than 5 to be dragged into the snow in the dead of night by police. In their desperation to be "saved" from "the deadliest pandemic in human history," they applauded the shredding of constitutions across the first world.

    Democracy always dies to thunderous applause.

    1. I love your last line! But yes, the problem remains that our 'rights' are no longer that, they are privileges intended just for the obedient few. We once thought we had those checks in place to prevent tyranny. Obviously not. So where are the politicians or journalists or others demanding that stringent checks be put in place to ensure petty tyrants can't lock us up and scream at us 'four legs good, two legs bad'? There are none. Most applaud the tyrants. And they do so because of that 'thunderous applause'.

    2. Too many trusted and complied early on. So many now with "vaccine regrets", for multiple reasons. Too many just trusted and gave in, despite all the "red flags" and lies and coercion. Now we all pay the price.

    3. The Karens (and many others) were panicked because of a the unrelenting behavioral nudges that our governments used to drive fear and compliance. The use of these techniques on citizens needs to be investigated by an independent panel with no constraints on the scope of the inquiry. I highly doubt that this will happen, but the government and the technocrats who used these techniques are guilty ethical if not criminal breaches of conduct.

  4. Very well written as always. Im going to be sharing this. By the way, I would love to see you tackle the "trusted news initiative" of you havent already? Thanks

  5. Before discussing the Wuhan virus pandemic, everybody should familiarize themselves with the results of the CDC EPIC (Etiology of Pneumonia in Communities) study. This project consisted of examining many hospitalized patients who had pneumonia diagnosed at the hospital. Various samples were taken from the patients at hospitals in Nashville and Chicago and sent to CDC laboratories (the best in the world), where the presence of pathogens in these samples was diagnosed.

    A summary of the results of this project was released to the press on July 14, 2015. It can be found by searching the internet on Google with the phrase "New CDC study highlights burden of pneumonia hospitalizations among US adults". The full results were published under the title "Community-Acquired Pneumonia Requiring Hospitalization among U.S. Adults" in N Engl J Med 2015; 373: 415-427.

    The take home message of this study is that over 62% cases of pneumonia diagnosed at the hospital were of unknown etiology, meaning that no pathogen could be found even by the best diagnostic laboratories in the world. How come public health scientists could miss this study and insist that the entire world needs to be destroyed based on one flawed test?

    We live in an ocean of trillions of viruses. As we breathe, viruses, bacteria, and pollen stick to the mucus that lines our respiratory system. The ciliated epithelium moves mucus particles to the throat, where we swallow it, getting rid of intruders and allergens. This is the first line of defense of our respiratory system.
    The mucus sample taken from the nasopharynx is obviously not representative of the entire respiratory system because it is not the ideal diagnostic sample such as the bronchoalveolar lavage. This is the first problem with the fraud known as the (false) pandemic. The second problem is that this mucus sample is subject to a test that detects only one out of over two hundred pathogens known to infect our respiratory tract. The SARS-CoV-2 RT-qPCR test is so sensitive that it can detect a few particles of the inactive Wuhan virus or a few particles of a so far unknown coronavirus infecting e.g., earthworms. It is obvious that the RT-qPCR test, or for that matter the antigen test, regardless of the result, would not detect the millions of particles of another virus that caused our cold. Don’t ask me to comment on the New Science category of asymptomatic infections.

    1. Nah, there's no viruses. That's why unknown causes of pneumonia.

    2. When the inventor of the PCR test says it's being used improperly and producing myriads of false results, and he's censored and called a liar, it is clear that something is very wrong. It has been clear since the beginning to many of us. I liked your comment. Thanks

    3. There is no virus - COVID-SARS-2 has not been isolated and purified. Also there has been no antibodies for such a virus on the dead FROM the virus.

    4. The inventor of the PCR test died before the invention of Covid.

  6. this is not about a disease, other than mass psychosis that is..
    this is about power.

    1. Has been from Day One. Started long before covid.Covid simply provided the global means to really kick it forward.

  7. thank you for the time you take to write your articles.always an excellent read

  8. I completely agree with everything you've said, but the problem as I see it How do we convince the majority of our fellow citizens that they are, essentially, wrong. Most people don't like being shown they're wrong. Which is exactly how we've ended up here. Sure, some are waking up, but most are still in the grip of media propaganda. How does a minority of people go up against the government, the media and the medical establishment who are blaring lies 24/7? If I knew how to even approach that I would jump in with both feet. I've tried for the past 2 years to get everyone I know to see through the lies. It hasn't worked. No amount of data helps. No amount of trying to get them to understand the REAL danger works.

    1. Just wrote big long thing. You're saved. It was too long. Wouldn't accept it.

      In essence I think two things:

      1. We need to see that their behaviour from within their reality was/is rational, sensible, moral and public spirited.

      2. We need to see that they apparently have no concept of democracy and a citizen's obligations in a democracy to constantly aware and monitoring, etc.. and therefore have little or no idea of what they've just thrown away.

  9. "The natural instinct of fearful people is to control those around them." The Global Climate Change Health Emergency" is fast approaching.

  10. This is timely. You didn't mention it, but the US Department of Homeland Security just issued an alert

    "SUMMARY OF THE TERRORISM THREAT TO THE UNITED STATES: The United States remains in a heightened threat environment fueled by several factors, including an online environment filled with false or misleading narratives and conspiracy theories ...These threat actors seek to exacerbate societal friction to sow discord and undermine public trust in government institutions to encourage unrest, which could potentially inspire acts of violence..."

    Well, so far, someone like me might not get to exercised because we're thinking about January 6 and the likelihood that Trump and Co. had a part in instigating that.

    "Key factors contributing to the current heightened threat environment include: (1) The proliferation of false or misleading narratives, which sow discord or undermine public trust in U.S. government institutions: For example, there is widespread online proliferation of false or misleading narratives regarding unsubstantiated widespread election fraud and COVID-19. Grievances associated with these themes inspired violent extremist attacks during 2021..."

    Excuse me? Now we're conflating "unsubstantiated widespread election fraud" and discussion about COVID-19. It's true there are some wacko theories about the pandemic, but I'm unaware of any violent extremist attacks caused by this. Unless they're conflating the two things because they're often associated with the same political mindset.

    This could be used to crack down on language that "undermines public trust in government institutions". We're no longer allowed to criticize the king, or Big Brother, which is a cherished ideal in many free countries. Shades of 1984.

    1. And there's some thing else on the second page of the alert which I overlooked before.

      "... As COVID-19 restrictions continue to decrease nationwide, increased access to commercial and government facilities and the rising number of mass gatherings could provide increased opportunities for individuals looking to commit acts of violence to do so, often with little or no warning. Meanwhile, COVID-19 mitigation measures—particularly COVID-19 vaccine and mask mandates—have been used by domestic violent extremists to justify violence since 2020 and could continue to inspire these extremists to target government, healthcare, and academic institutions that they associate with those measures."

      Whatever that means. I have the distinct impression that Covid was shoehorned into this as a result of the Canada trucker protest (which is widely conflated with right wingism, racism, and all those bad January 6 type things) and to further the suppression of discussion about the effectiveness of public health efforts.

      At least the alert is set to expire in June. We'll see.

    2. You are probably right. Another trucker convoy protest is being "cut off at the pass" as we speak. Many are rising up in peaceful protest and the government is trying to squelch them before they can even get started. They are getting all their "ducks in a row" with these domestic terrorism laws and definition changes to scare folks away, and to punish those they can't scare away.

  11. Love your writings! Would like to see something published on what the FDA did to the natural supplement of Red Yeast Rice, a natural alternative to statin drugs, a number of years ago. I was a Cardiology R.N. at the time. Many patients on drugs like Lipitor and its associated cholesterol drugs were suffering side effects like raised liver and muscle enzymes and muscle pain, and still not lowering their cholesterol. Red Yeast Rice was working to lower their cholesterol with no raise in enzymes or muscle pain. As soon as patients started stopping the prescription medication and using the Rice, the FDA suddenly stepped in and had the active ingredient in the Rice removed in the U.S. market. We saw patients losing their battle with cholesterol, which had previously been steadily improving on the Rice, all of a sudden, and wondered why. Research revealed what the FD A had done. Normally they do not have anything to do with the natural foods market, unless negligible harm is proven over a product. It is an excellent example of the corruption and their cooperation with the pharmaceutical industry. This was not promoted to the general public at all. I only found out after the cardiologist I worked for did extensive investigation to understand why the Rice suddenly stopped working in patients. This corruption is not new.
    Thank you for your work, Sir.

    1. That's pretty shocking. Need links to authority for that. then it gets added to the database. What database? Is there one anywhere? Compiling a list of such atrocities?


      Used for centuries in Asia. Used for years in the U.S. with no notice from the FDA, not until patients started using it instead of prescription statin drugs that gave them side effects. We monitored patients liver and muscle enzymes and routinely screened for any reported side effects, just in case. Never had any problems.
      Statin drugs have since been shown to have no effect on mortality whatsoever. Many published studies on this. So, now they are trying to tour them as being potentially beneficial for Alzheimers. Anything to sell their profitable drugs.

  12. You are right. But the federal regime is stone walling you and will not willingly give up their formidable fortress of captured institutions. You are faced with the painful and arduous task of building a new nation. The cleansing and rebuilding may have to start at the towns and cities. Then work up to the provinces. Only then can the federal fortress be breached.
    In the meantime, I think the next attack on freedom (already in motion) is an engineered federal financial collapse that will freeze everyone's bank account and credit.

  13. You must be naive to hope for such a fundamental change... it is a generational crisis with the new generation of politicians who were born into airport searches, how can you expect them to respect freedom if they don;t understand it? On top of this, look at Snowden, Assange, Kim Dot Kom... once crimes are exposed they are all mixed into follow up legislation and legalized. Liberals, Conservatives, NDP... there is no difference in their individual motives why these folks ended being politicians. Nobody talks real reform, undoing Harper's decades building police state infrastructure - they all just jump on all thees tools for a simple reason of luck of imagination and moral values. The fact that old Mr Harper will be wiped with his own creations is so symbolic! Ha ha ha...

  14. I am not so sure that many Canadians will accept another round of oppression anytime soon. I, for one, will not. I am not complying with the current insanity .. shop maskless … when asked to wear a mask I state the truth … I left it at home …. The will then offer to do get you one … I take it and walk away maskless … so far no one has followed up on that action.

    I have not and will not take the poison jab ever. I am not ignorant of science. I am aware that the majority of the pop is illiterate around science and that why it is so easy to frighten the hell out those poor saps.

  15. Quite right - these principles have been well established since the publication of John Stuart Mill's 'On Liberty' in 1859:

  16. All WEF traitors must be booted out of public office and prosecuted. Then the bankers neutered.

    1. If you follow up on what Reiner Fuellmich and all are doing to prosecute these megalomaniacs, you'll be pleased to see that activation of your wish is already in motion. 1,000 top lawyers and 10,000 respected, international doctors and scientists bringing 'First' - but far from last, as there's a great cleansing required', the top leaders of the global covid scam to trial. Topo of the list to receive injunctions will be Bill Gates, Andrew Fauci, Tedros (head of the WHO), and our friend Trudeau.
      Being referred to now as Nuremburg 2.0, the charges laid will be for crimes against humanity.
      This will be even bigger than the most amazing, wonderful Truckers uprising for a number of reasons.
      The first question put to the court will be, "Where is the proof that the dangerous virus that the defendants used to shut down the world and destroy much of humanity?"
      Another question will be, "Where did the flu, cold, pneumonia and other respiratory disease deaths disappear to? Did covid cure them?"
      And, "When the deaths and adverse reactions to the flu shots started going through the roof, why were they not stopped, but continued to be promoted and even mandated by the accused?"
      There are countless other instances of deadly criminal actions promoted by these megalomaniacs included in the months long preparation for this action.
      Here it is

    2. Fuellmich is controlled, he is keeping the scam going, and there is no court that would rule against the NWO like that, because they control all of them.
      The "truckers" movements are also controlled, even though most involved in them most probably are unaware.
      It really seems to be down to our individual choices. So look for the truth more, and make your choices.

  17. Julius Ruechel writes about the permanent repercussions if each of us does not say NO.

    The core issue about the possible permanent repercussions is that a 'legal fiction' (i.e. a legalized illusion, to pretend; to make-believe) called 'govt' has 'rights' and the morally legitimate ability to force its demands upon everyone else.
    IOW, govt 'rights' have primacy over your individual rights.
    If the majority (51%) of the people of the world believe that, then everything that good people have been fighting and dying for over the last 800 years (individual liberty) is gone.

    A few key excerpts from his article:

    "Liberal democracy was built around the principle that individual rights must be unconditional. In other words, they are meant to supersede the authority of government. Consequently, individual rights (such as bodily autonomy) were meant to serve as checks and balances on government power. They were meant to provide a hard limit to what our government can do to us without our individual consent."

    "That is the moment when all the checks and balances in our scientific and democratic institutions stopped functioning."

    "How we navigate the end of mandates determines whether we win our freedom or whether we allow our leaders to normalize a Brave New World with conditional rights that can be turned off again during the next "emergency"."

    A short bit of my commentary, just based on these three excerpts:

    Julius is spot on with his primary observation - Individual Rights are paramount and sacred, and must be understood by all and must be ranked at the Very Top of all lawful priorities, at All Times. No Exceptions. Ever.
    What is tricky is that he arrived at this overarching truism while still being misinformed about certain steps along the way that concretize - make solid - the bigger picture of this larger truism:

    - His 'liberal democracy' is impossible; it is an oxymoron. There is no such thing as a liberal democracy. Democracy is rule by majority. Democracy places the importance of a number of opinions (51%) over the primacy of individual rights. Thus, 'liberal democracy' does not encode the principle that individual rights must be primary and unconditional. In fact, it is the opposite of that principle.
    (p.s. - 'Democracy,' or more generally our collective belief in govt and its power, is precisely why we have Democide (

    - His 'moment when checks and balances stopped functioning' happened long ago. It is just recently becoming clearly obvious and worth fighting for. IOW, it takes this kind of horrific attempt at global totalitarianism to begin to wake people up. We humans are such lazy and dense creatures...

    - His 'conditional rights' is a very good turn of phrase, but again it is an oxymoron. True rights are not conditional, and cannot ever be conditional (I'm sure Julius knows this). A true right is a state of being and power that comes with birth. It may not be able to fully manifest until mature adulthood is attained, but its premise is there at birth. That's why we call them birthrights.

    My comments aside, this is an outstanding article that points directly to the core of what is happening.
    If we do not terminate this attempt at global totalitarianism NOW, our descendants will spit on our graves… assuming we have descendants.

    Thank you very much, Julius.

    1. Maybe we really do live in the end times. It’s a Darwinian shake-out, whichever way you look at it. It is an existential crisis for the West, for a start. Law and order combined with productive and innovative peaceful and (largely) law-abiding citizens have brought the West to a level of technological and managerial organisation where the governing institutions could intentionally be infiltrated and taken over by political operatives who, though with widely diverging views and traits, saw and made a common cause in the overthrow of social-democratic society- Here I use the word ‘democracy’ to mean not the fully adult franchise tyranny of the majority or any sham democracy called by another name, but a democracy in a nation-state based on and organised by sovereign adult individuals. Although sovereign used to denote a king, such a king in the democratic tradition, which, essentially, originated with tribes along the North/West Sea littoral, not ancient Greek city states, who’s sovereignty is vested in a (chosen, not hereditary) king or queen can only logically be based on the sovereignty of the individuals which have build, make and maintain society. Mob rule does not a society make, nor can it be a basis for a civilisation. However, conspiracies to acquire power over others and the institutions built by sovereign individuals has always been a fact of life, at least since shamans in tribal settings transmogrified into priests and started psychological rape of group-mind, the collective unconscious, on an intentional and organised path to become god-like by conquering other minds rather than their own. The latter, conquering one’s own mind, is the inner struggle,or jihad in the context of Islam, individuation in a western psychological sense, is to become enlightened, a term used in the Eastern philosophies, but too hard for almost everyone. The alternative is to conquer the minds of others and use these conquered minds as proxies to conquer yet greater multitudes. In this endeavour the tyrants find common cause at all levels of human interaction and organisation. That is how society is made, developed and brought to great hights until it runs into the quicksand of totalitarian rule and collapse follows. Can we save ourselves? Yes, as individuals, but not if we try to stop the inexorable self-destruction of tyrants, wasters and their mobs of supporters, followers and mind-slaves.
      Human society is ever in development, all is flux. This means the current existential crisis is headed by the West because it is ahead of the rest of humanity in the psycho-sociopolitical field. Nietzsche was one of the modern pioneers in a philosophical way of explaining the weaknesses and pitfalls of European culture, but there have been and are countless others whose love of wisdom allowed them to see further than others.

  18. Good points, however, all "rights" are essentially a matter of perception/awareness/choices when it comes to any so-called "organized society". And so it comes down to these things, and to truth, and caring. And also down to the (maybe unsolvable) problem (in this world at least) of how to defend (and really be protected) from evil (and from the attackers), without becoming evil (becoming/acting like them).

  19. Great article. 100% spot on.
    The only way to ensure that these nutjobs calling themselves politicians cease playing with the freedoms and rights of the people is to ensure they are held accountable for the damage of the past two years - the effects of which are only now begininng to hit the hardest.
    A precedent was set in March 2020 when governments interfered in every aspect of human life. It should never have been allowed to happen. Liberty or death is what we should be demanding. We should be reminded that those who trade freedom for a sense of security deserve neither.
    The saddest thing is though, as Huxley and Orwell knew would happen, there are far too many people across the world who are not only comfortable with slavery, but are actually enjoying it.

  20. stop testing for it, and then poof, it goes away!

  21. This is excellent. And I would add that, in Canada, we have a media that is paid by the government to aid and abet the tyranny. They were and are a vital part of the machine to instill enough fear that a large portion of the public was willing to give up their own rights and bully anyone who had a thought to the contrary of the mainstream narrative as an unfeeling grandma killers.

  22. Well said and thought provoking. The toll of the "stay safe" measures seems to have been especially heavy on the elderly and kids. In other words, the most vulnerable. Of course the loss of income and livelihoods is bad, as well as the loss of individual freedom. It seems so hard to counteract what has been done, because the feelings of fear as well as guilt for "killing grandma" or some such nonsense are very real, causing so many people to go along with whatever measures our "leaders" want to inflict upon us.

  23. Amen to that, Julius! While utilitarian arguments for ending mandates and restrictions are fairly good for convincing the fence-sitters, they don't actually prevent these from being imposed again. The very perceived legitimacy of these needs to be completely eradicated, and individual rights must be recognized as unconditional and inalienable, period.

  24. Thank you for helping us prepare for the future "variants" of this controlling phenomenon. This is a question of principle, not of "thank you so much for allowing us a bit more freedom for now."

  25. Nice post thank you Larry


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