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August 20, 2021

Gambling With Our Liberty: Two New Interviews with Julius Ruechel

I recently did two interviews that I wanted to share with you, each with a very different focus:

Calling the Silent Good People (24 min): On August 16th, I was interviewed by Marta Gameiro of We discussed practical hands-on solutions to wake people out of their mass hysteria, but equally important, how to motivate the silent good people who see what’s going on to break their silence (link to the interview on

Struggle for Human Liberty Despite the Fear (58 min): On August 18th, I was invited onto the Dr. Peter Breggin Hour. Dr. Breggin and I had a free-wheeling conversation about the philosophical roots and historical forces that gave rise to our Western democracies and the cultural war we must wage in order to stop this authoritarian re-imagining of society (link to the interview on

A huge thank you to both of my hosts for two wonderful conversations!

You can find more of Marta Gameiro’s interviews on her Odysee channel at Outras EvidĂȘncias.

And you can see more of Dr. Peter Breggin’s work and learn about his forthcoming book on his website at

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